Today I‘m going to talk about festivals and traditions in Lithuania. I‘m also going to tell my opinion and answer to questions.
To start with I think that there are a lot of festivals in Lithuania, but there should be even more. For children I think the most fascinating and popular is Christmas, then they get a lot of cool presents. For teenagers the most admired ones are town festivals, the New Year’s eve and etc. For adults and older people the most liked ones are Saint John’s day, Žolinė, and Easter. Those festivals are liked by them because older peoplie like traditions and they see a lot of values in it.
Secondly. The tradition’s role in celebrating different kind of festivals . As I said, one of the most traditional festivity in Lithuania is Saint John’s day. It takes place on June 24th. People on that day are looking for a fern blossom and jumping over a bonfire....
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