RESEARCH PROPOSAL Project team nr. 3
Expatriates opinions on discrimination in Lithuania: A Case Study at Teltonika
In today’s world, racial and ethnic discrimination is a common issue. Discrimination based on race and nationality is a global concern that every country faces. Like many other countries, Lithuania faces challenges related to race and nationality discrimination. According to the article “Perception and Experience of Discrimination on the Basis of Nationality” conducted by Asta Zbarauskaitė and Gabija Čeledinaitė in 2015, the experience of the discrimination suffered by ethnic minorities in the context of the country’s social transformations is a very sensitive, though barely studied issue in Lithuania. To make things better, everyone needs to learn about different cultures and respect them, so we can all get along and appreciate the diverse society. This qualitative research proposal’s aim is to investigate the specific experiences of expatriates in Lithuania, with a focus on the workplace environment of Teltonika. Furthermore, the motivation stems from personal observations of discrimination issues within the country and recognition of the importance of inclusivity for future Business Information Managers. This research can highlight the experiences of immigrants, contributing valuable insights to address potential issues, enhance cultural integration, and promote a more tolerant society. Additionally, understanding how a country is perceived in terms of race and nationality can help inform policies aimed at creating a welcoming environment for expats and ultimately fostering positive international relations.
Research Questions
1. What are the expatriates' experiences of racial and ethnic discrimination in the workplace environment at Teltonika in Lithuania?
2. What are the coping mechanisms that expatriates use when facing racial and ethnic discrimination in the Lithuanian firm Teltonika?
3. What are the potential consequences of racial and ethnic discrimination on expatriates currently working in Teltonika?
4. What are expatriates' opinions on Teltonika’s policies on racial and ethnic discrimination?
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