
What are the environmental problems in the world and in Lithuania?

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What are the environmental problems in the world and in Lithuania? 1 puslapis
What are the environmental problems in the world and in Lithuania? 2 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

What are the environmental problems in the world and in Lithuania?

Environment carries a significant role in the life of human beings as well as nature. But humans themselves are polluting the environment with their day-to-day activities. What we need to do to reduce environmental problems?

First of all I would like to explain what environmental problems are: these are problems are something which can affect the world in a very negative way. These problems increase day by day. It leads to pollution, sickness and death. Environmental problems include deforestation, global warming, pollutions and much more.

For example - deforestation. Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees and forests which has serious inpact on the environment. The two main reasons for deforestation are food production and timber. Other reasons for deforestation include road building and urban expansion. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in animals habitat damage and biodiversity loss. The main solution to reduce the rapid deforestation would be to replant forests. Secondlly, it is inportant to recycle paper. Recycling paper can make sure that less trees are cut down and we don‘t need to produce that much.

Another issue is plastic waste. In nature, there is no waste that does not decompose. But humans have invented plastic. Making plastic is inexpensive and the applications of the material are endless. Because plastic so widely used, it almost always ends up in the environment. So by saving our health and others we all should stop using plastic bags, use public transport more often also if we already use plastic, it should be sorted.

Water pollution – one of the most inportant environmental problems in the world is the shortage of clean water. Its because industrial pollution has made many source of water undrinkable. Water pollution occurs when harmful substances often chemicals contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, or other body of water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment. To solve this problem we should pick up litter and garbage by hand, and take it to garbage can before it travels into local waterways. Another solution we need to wash our cars where the water and soap can go to a dirt or grass area instead of a street and drain to the river or creek.

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  • Anglų kalbos kalbėjimas
  • 2 psl., (610 ž.)
  • Word failas 14 KB
  • Lygis: Mokyklinis
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