Balance sheet
Liabilities and shareholders equity……………………….………………………2
Organizational chart………………………………………..……………3
The name of the SHARP corporation is familiar in a whole world as the name one of the biggest and leading company in the electronics industry.
Sharp has a long and rich history and we've improved people's lives across the continents. You may know us because you have a Sharp product in your home or perhaps you use one where you work. It could be something you take for granted like the calculator you use to balance your check book, or the microwave oven you use to prepare a meal. But did you know that Sharp produced the world's first all transistor-diode electronic desktop calculator and first introduced LCD technology into that category? Did you know that Sharp was the first to introduce the convenient turntable into Carousel microwave ovens? Today, Sharp is the undisputed worldwide leader in both of these categories.
Since founding in 1912, Sharp Corporation has continuously opened up new areas of industry with its original products, from the “Ever-Sharp” mechanical pencils from which the company name was derived, to the commercialisation of the first Japanese-made radios and televisions, the world’s first LCD electronic calculators, and a host of other products incorporating state-of-the-art LCD technology. These products have contributed to the improvement of human living and the advancement of society as a whole.
Sharp manufactures and sells diverse products which include handheld PCs, home theatres systems, televisions, audio systems, camcorders, vcrs, copiers, fax machines, calculators, point of sale systems, microelectronic devices, and professional multimedia projectors and monitors. Sharp's business activities include manufacturing, distribution, marketing, sales, and servicing of Sharp Products. There are two main sectors of business: consumer-information products and electronic components.
Consumer\information products
Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment
LCD TVs, colour TVs, TV/VCR combos, LCD projectors, digital broadcast receivers, DVD recorders, DVD players, LCD camcorders, VCRs, 1-Bit digital...
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