Anglų topikas tema "Christamas - Kalėdos".
One of the most expectetive celebrations, especially for children, is Christmas. It is celebrated on December the 24th- the shortest day of the year.
One of the most expectetive celebrations, especially for children, is Christmas. It is celebrated on December the 24th- the shortest day of the year.
Long before people start to prepare for Christmas. Shops sell various festive atributes: from the Christmas cookies to the artificial firs. Every family decorates Christmas trees in their home, the streets in the city are decorated with lots of twinkling lights and you can hear an uplifting and cheerful music played everywhere you go. Some days before the celebration there is a vast Christmas rush in all town. People are buying gifts and preparing for a Christmas Eve.
The Christmas Eve is a perfect way to gather all the family members together despite the distances. Although is is allowed to eat meat before Christmas, the majority of people refrains from it. On christmas Eve the house must be cleaned and all family members have to bathe and don clothes before the evening meal. Every...
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