Anglų kalbos referatas apie Jungtines Amerikos Valstijas. Tema - United States of Amerika. Paminėtos sekančios vietos: CALIFORNIA, San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco, New Yorkas ir t.t. Praktiškai visos žymiausios JAV vietovės.
California is one of the largest states in the US (trailing Alaska and Texas in size) and is commonly refered to as the Golden State (so called because of the gold rush of 1849). The capital, Sacramento is located in the northern part of the state.
Los Angeles is far and away the most populous city in California and is located in the southern half of the state. It’s a great and very diverse city, from Hollywood to East L.A. you can find every possible lifestyle represeneted in this micro cosmos.
The San Francisco Bay Area is home to Silicon valley, the city of San Francisco -generally seen as one of the coolest places of this planet- and the wine producing Napa Valley. The Central Coast is right between L.A. and San Francisco. It is a great area with Santa Barbara as its most important city.
San Diego is located in the south of the state and offers good beaches and water sports. Lake Tahoe, Lake Mono and Yosemite in the High Sierra are the best spots to go for hiking and other outdoor activities.
Another option is to explore one of the many deserts California offers. Death Valley is probably the best known example; if you can stand the heat the east of California offers a lot offer great getaways.
San Francisco is really just the tip of all that is fun and great in the area. The diversity of the area is not just in the food, the people and our attitudes but also in the physical geography. Whether you love the big city, the suburbs, quaint villages, the woods or something rural – you literally just have to drive in any direction for 30 minutes and you can choose exactly what you want as a visit, as a short vacation or as...
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