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Music, sound and technology in USA (United States of America)

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Music, sound and technology in USA (United States of America) 1 puslapis
Music, sound and technology in USA (United States of America) 2 puslapis
Music, sound and technology in USA (United States of America) 3 puslapis
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The music history of the United States includes many styles of folk, popular and classical music. Some of the most well-known genres of American music are blues, rock and roll, country, hip hop, jazz and gospel. American music history began with the Native Americans, the first people to populate North America. The music of these people was highly varied in form, and was mostly religious in purpose.
Gertrude Stein (American writer) declared that America was “the oldest country in the world because… America created the 20th century”- not through art or literature, but through industry and invention.
Thomas Alva Edison inaugurated modernism in America, he electrified the country in that way he changed night into day, and he transformed sound for ever. Before Edison’s phonograph, sound was ephemeral: the sound could be heard only once. But soon there were created recordings which changed all that.
1) First, music’s economic center changed from performances to recordings.
2) Second, not only composers and performers but technicians, manufacturers, businessmen – all were include to be responsible for creating the sound work and all of them helped produce the object the listener would buy.
3) Third, recordings became factors in the creative process.
4) Fourth, the technology’s complete aesthetic and social neutrality.
The new technology matched the ideology. Previously musical opportunities had been circumscribed by economic status of cultural background, now music was available to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Previously music’s production had required performance, which in turn required specialized, expensive training and facilities, now music could be produced and disseminated by anyone.
Sound technology evolved throughout the 20th century. Along the way musical underwent a series of transformations, and each of these was linked to changes in the inventions themselves, the devices with which modern music would be created.
MUSIC TECHNOLOGY: a brief history
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  • Anglų kalbos namų darbas
  • 3 psl., (1293 ž.)
  • Word failas 37 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis Atsisiųsti šį namų darbą
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