1 priedas. AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ pelno (nuostolių) ataskaita 2008 – 2010 m.
2 priedas. AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ balansas 2008 – 2010 m.
3 priedas. AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ vertikali balanso analizė 2008 – 2010 m.
4 priedas. AB „Pieno žvaigždės“ horizontali balanso analizė 2008 – 2010 m.
Žydrūnas Rimkus
Doing business in today’s market-based economy companies usually faces a lot of difficulties related with generating sustained economic growth, which requires increase in productivity and insists for significant investments in human and physical capital and accelerating technological change. The general solution, willing to survive, sustain competitive advantage and insist current assets efficiency growth is to search for alternative solutions increasing work efficiency, products and services assortment enlargement, spread of innovations and company management improvement.
The size of the topic: 48 pages, including 12 tables, 22 figures with literature list of 18 sources.
The aim of work — to analyze of current assets management efficiency development opportunities.
The subject of the work: The analysis of current assets management efficiency development opportunities on joint stock company „Pieno žvaigždės“.
Task of the work:
1. describe the current assets of management theoretical terms;
2. evaluate financial condition on joint stock company „Pieno žvaigždės“;
3. suggest how to further improve of current assets management efficiency development opportunities.
Methods of the work: Literature survey, analysis and systematic research, comparative, graphical analysis, SWOT analysis, dynamics and structure analysis, information collection methods.
The work contains 3 chapters. The first chapter of this job is based on theoretical financial activity analysis material disclosure and is based on company’s performance in market-based environment. The second chapter is based on joint stock Company „Pieno žvaigždės“ financial activity analysis in 2008-2010 year period. Objective, methodical and opportune analysis played a great role for evaluating company’s efficiency during the current period and was especially useful forecasting further perspectives. In the third chapter, refer to this information enterprise possibilities were...
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