Diplominiai darbai

Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis

9.8   (2 atsiliepimai)
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 1 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 2 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 3 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 4 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 5 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 6 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 7 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 8 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 9 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 10 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 11 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 12 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 13 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 14 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 15 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 16 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 17 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 18 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 19 puslapis
Pedagogo kompetencijų portfelis 20 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

Darbe kalbama apie pedagogo kompetencijas, jų grupes, skirstymą. Taip pat aprašomos jau įgytos ir planuojamos įgyti kompetencijos. Pateikiami kompetencijų įrodymai


The theme: Reflection on the Development of Pedagogue's Professional Activity Competences. In the final project of the adjacent studies, the competences needed by teachers are analyzed, the concept and adjustment of competences is investigated. In addition, the acquired personal competences are analyzed and the plan for acquiring new competences is formed in this final project. The relevance of the topic reveals itself in that when the community, its needs change, the outlook on the education system changes as well. The teacher is the main component in the education system; therefore, it is important that they could notice innovations, would have enough motivation to acquire new competences and to improve the ones they already have. The novelty of this topic reveals itself through the competences acquired by the teacher, since every competence acquired could become an example to colleagues, which do not have that competence yet. Therefore, in this project, the proof of competences are presented, and all competences that were acquired or are planned to be acquired are new, not investigated on the aspects presented in this project. The objective of the project is to perform the reflection of the improvement of the competences of the teacher’s professional activities. The object of the project is the competences of the teacher’s professional activities. The analysis of the scientific literature, document analysis and self-reflection are utilized in the project. The structure of the project: in the first part of the project, the competence groups are introduces, scientific literature, legislation are analyzed. It could be stated that to the representatives of this profession, lifelong learning is an inseparable part of their work. Because only the constant self-improvement, analyzing, the noticing of shortcomings and the ability to apply their personal qualities in teacher activities, can ensure a successful work in teacher activities. It is...

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Detali informacija
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✅ Šaltiniai yra
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Word failas (.docx)
36 psl., (6586 ž.)
Darbo duomenys
  • Pedagogikos diplominis darbas
  • 36 psl., (6586 ž.)
  • Word failas 3 MB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
  • ✅ Yra šaltiniai
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