Let us start by considering the main qualities that every efficient manager should have. I think that the most important quality of all is to be competent: knowing one’s job perfectly, as well as the work of one’s subordinates. And only when you know a lot – you can do a lot. Peter Ferdinand Drucker a famous writer and management consultant has said: “They (managers) divide the work into manageable activities and then into individual jobs. They select people to manage these units and perform the jobs.” Without a great knowledge, without being competent, manager won’t be able to give purposeful orders. In fact, nobody was born with enough knowledge to be a manager this means that becoming competent is a hard work and it is more like a science than an art.
Similarly, being logical, rational an analytical is also quality that could be acquired only.
Logic is a real science with strict rules and terms that considers how parts can be combined to form a whole. It is usually used in managing as it helps manager develop strategies, plans and tactics, also to build his team in order to achieve the set goal.
Otherwise, talent or instinct, things that...
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