
The powerful woman

9.4   (3 atsiliepimai)
The powerful woman 1 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

The main reasons fating a lower level of woman’s participation in business are old stereotypes, difficulties to combine family and business, lack of self-confidence, fear of the risk. Leadership qualities such as aggressiveness, assertiveness, taking charge, and competitiveness are traditionally associated with strong, masculine characters. Even women executives tended to show these characteristics in the traditional corporate world. In fact, many of these women executives were promoted because they were even more competitive and assertive than their male counterparts. These successful women executives often sacrificed a family life, which their male counterparts did not necessarily have to do. The business world is changing, however. In richer countries, larger companies and public employment may be more likely to offer health care and support for working mothers, thereby tilting women’s stimulus away from startups and self-employment.Today, much research has found that women leaders are different from their male counterparts in management style. Women leaders tend to be more interested in agreement building, participation, and caring. They often are more willing than men to share power and information, to empower employees, and to be interested about the feelings of their subordinates. Such an interactive and emotionally involved leadership style is not necessarily negative in today's business environment. Indeed, some researchers find it to be highly effective. Internally, a culturally various work force demands more interactive and collaborative coordination. Externally, culturally diverse customers demand more personable and caring attention. A caring and flexible management style serves such diverse employees and customers better than traditional methods of management. But sometimes initiative to start business depend not only on whishes, it depend on the level of country development. In recent years, self-employment and home-based work has expanded opportunities for women’s participation in the labor force, but is characterizing by lack of security, lack of benefits, and...

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1 psl., (1008 ž.)
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  • Anglų kalbos pristatymas
  • 1 psl., (1008 ž.)
  • Word failas 37 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis Atsisiųsti šį pristatymą
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