• to make recommendations for improvements.
It was conducted by assist. L. Kazanavičiūtė from Vilnius University.
In order to obtain information, some students were interviewed and workplace was explored to find any hazards, which could cause harm.
Health and safety at work is extremely important. Poor workplace layout and design are major factors contributing to workplace injuries. It also increases the risk of collisions, trips and falls. As well as causing physical injuries, bad workplace conditions can lead to increased stress levels.
While exploring my workplace, i took into account such points as lighting, ventilation, temperature, workstations, cleanliness and facilities for rest and eating meals.
Workplace Conditions
1 Lighting
In most classrooms lighting is sufficient to enable people to work and move about safely. But in some auditoriums and corridors lighting is inadequate, what is very dangerous and unhealthy, because lighting problems - such as flickering lights, glare and a lack of natural light - can cause eyestrain and vision problems.
2 Ventilation
Most classroms are adequately ventilated so that stale air is replaced at a reasonable rate by fresh air. Windows normally provide sufficient ventilation, but in some rooms mechanical ventilation systems should be installed and maintained, because windows do not open there.
3 Temperature
Workplace is kept at a reasonable temperature, providing comfort without need for special clothing during both hot and cold weather. In cold weather adequate heating is provided, while in hot weather air cooling or fans are ensured.
4 Workstations
The larger part of classrooms have poorly designed chairs and desks which cannot be adjusted for height and to support lower back. Common symptoms associated with unsuitable workstation design include pain and discomfort in the back, neck and shoulders,...
Šį darbą sudaro 601 žodžiai, tikrai rasi tai, ko ieškai!
★ Klientai rekomenduoja
Šį rašto darbą rekomenduoja mūsų klientai. Ką tai reiškia?
Mūsų svetainėje pateikiama dešimtys tūkstančių skirtingų rašto darbų, kuriuos įkėlė daugybė moksleivių ir studentų su skirtingais gabumais. Būtent šis rašto darbas yra patikrintas specialistų ir rekomenduojamas kitų klientų, kurie po atsisiuntimo įvertino šį mokslo darbą teigiamai. Todėl galite būti tikri, kad šis pasirinkimas geriausias!
Norint atsisiųsti šį darbą spausk ☞ Peržiūrėti darbą mygtuką!
Mūsų mokslo darbų bazėje yra daugybė įvairių mokslo darbų, todėl tikrai atrasi sau tinkamą!
Panašūs darbai
Atsisiuntei rašto darbą ir neradai jame reikalingos informacijos? Pakeisime jį kitu nemokamai.
Pirkdamas daugiau nei vieną darbą, nuo sekančių darbų gausi 25% nuolaidą.
Išsirink norimus rašto darbus ir gauk juos akimirksniu po sėkmingo apmokėjimo!