I have chosen “The Schindler’s List” movie because this is the story about the true man, not a fiction. Oscar Schindler was a businessman during the World War 2. He came from very prosperous pure German blood family and had everything money could buy. As the war started he understood that this is the once in a life time opportunity to earn lots of money. He came to Poland as the member if Nationalist Party and an SS officer. Very soon he made very good fiends with the Gestapo headquarters. At that time Oscar Schindler was married to Emily Schindler, but he always had one or more mistresses.
He opened “Emalia” factory—which produced enamel goods and munitions to supply the German front, which he ran with the cheapest labor- Jews. He hired a Jew as his plant manager Itzhak Stern to select people with good skill for his factory. And this smart Jew selected many people without any needed skills, just musicians or just people he knew. People were very thankful to Schindler as those who worked in factory were save, as the rest of the Jews were sent to Auschwitz or concentration camps. “Schindler was making money, but everyone in his factory was fed, no-one was beaten, no-one was killed. It became an oasis of humanity in a desert of moral torpor.”(*1).
As the story goes, we see is another guy called Amon Goeth, commandant of the Plaszow camp. He was cruel, heartless, immoral animal, for whom the human live was worthless. He was making morning exercises from his balcony by shooting Jews who were just working or passing buy.
As the time went by, rumors about kindhearted German industrialist spread and people – Jews, started to come to ask Schindler to bring their relatives from concentration camps to his factory. Schindler...
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