Kursiniai darbai

Modern dance theater. Work drawings

9.8   (3 atsiliepimai)
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 1 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 2 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 3 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 4 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 5 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 6 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 7 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 8 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 9 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 10 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 11 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 12 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 13 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 14 puslapis
Modern dance theater. Work drawings 15 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

The building which should be designed is modern dance theater. The location of this object is in the region of the station. But the exactly location of the building was could be choose free by me self. So I decided to choose the site which is in the crossing of sodų and V. Šopeno street. Also at this site the development is perimetrical and completely developed. So my building will completely forms the perimetrical development and it is also comfortable to use, there will be no visual pollution.
First I decided to make the place analysis, which could help me to realize what kind of object could be designed in this site. Second is my architectural idea which is the main stage in project.
The place analysis
First when I get the task I went to the place and carefully study all elements at the place. The main thing which made me influence is the parametrical development which was not completely developed in my chosen place. So I decided to develop the precise and concrete this development type.
My site is among old buildings, which have the old town characteristics. All around are three - four flour objects with decorative exterior. So the site is very small, rectangular shape and restricted with old and highs buildings. This space is a little dwarf, so I have a lot of requests for this location. In my opinion my new building should contrast with old buildings which are near
Architectural idea
When I make my situation analysis, I decided to:
• Complete parametrical development;
• Design building as compact as possible
• Design a building which have a contrast with old town elements;
• Design the object with functional and esthetical paramets.
• Design the very comfortable and simple object in the plan, space, exterior and interior respects.
So the main and important idea is...

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Darbo tipas
✅ Šaltiniai yra
Failo tipas
Word failas (.doc)
15 psl., (2132 ž.)
Darbo duomenys
  • Architektūros kursinis darbas
  • 15 psl., (2132 ž.)
  • Word failas 1 MB
  • ✅ Yra šaltiniai
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