
H. G. Wells

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H. G. Wells 1 puslapis
H. G. Wells 2 puslapis
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Rašinys/Referatas/Topikas apie H. G. Wells anglų kalba.

H. G. Wells (1866-1946) found one in what may be called Liberalism-the belief that man's future lies on earth, not in heaven, and that, with scientific and social progress, an earthly paradise may eventually be built. Wells is one of the great figures of modern literature.


H. G. Wells (1866-1946) found one in what may be called Liberalism-the belief that man's future lies on earth, not in heaven, and that, with scientific and social progress, an earthly paradise may eventually be built. Wells is one of the great figures of modern literature. He owed a lot to Dickens in such novels as Kipps and The History of Mr. Polly-works which borrow Dickens's prose-style, his humour, and his love of eccentrics, and which deal affectionately with working people-but he found themes of his own in the scientific novels. The Time Machine, The First Men in the Moon, The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, When the Sleeper Awakes, and The Food of the Gods all seem concerned not merely with telling a strange and entertaining story but with showing that, to science, everything is theo­retically possible. The glorification of scientific discovery leads Wells to think that time and space can easily be conquered, and so we can travel to the moon, or Martians can attack us; we can travel forward to the future, and back again to the present. The old Newtonian world, with its fixed dimensions, begins to melt and dissolve in the imaginative stories of Wells: flesh can be made as transparent as glass, human size can be increased indefinitely, a man can sleep for a couple of centuries and wake up in the strange Wellsian future; a man can work miracles; a newspaper from the future can be delivered by mistake; a man can lose weight with­out bulk and drift like a balloon.
Wells sometimes described himself as a 'Utopiographer'. He was always planning worlds in which science had achieved its last victories over religion and superstition, in which reason reigned, in which every­body was healthy, clean, happy, and enlightened. The Wellsian future has...

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  • Anglų kalbos referatas
  • 2 psl., (606 ž.)
  • Word failas 25 KB
  • Įkeltas: 2024 m. Atsisiųsti šį referatą Panašūs darbai

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