The word euthanasia comes from the Greek words “Eu” (good) and “Thanatos” (death), and it is the practice of intentionally ending a life to eliminate pain and provide a patient with a relatively “good death.” There are divergent methods for practicing euthanasia: active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia or occasionally called “aggressive” euthanasia, is a way of ending the life of a patient by injecting a lethal dose of drugs. On the other hand, passive euthanasia is an intentional procedure when a patient dies by withholding artificial life support such as a ventilator or feeding tube or providing ultimately lethal drugs to lessen the pain. The practice of euthanasia is accompanied by a variety of problems, from ethical to religious and even clinical nuisances. This essay will focus on contrasting points of view on euthanasia and the examination of those issues.
First and foremost, according to European Convention on Human Rights, every person has a right to choose, and death should be one of the personal decisions. The ability to control your body and decide how to end a life is moral when it does not harm others. On the other hand, not everyone agrees with this claim and states that euthanasia cannot be regarded as a purely moral issue because it devalues some lives. Legalizing euthanasia may remove this protection afforded to the weak, disabled, and vulnerable members of society (Harris, N. M., 2001). Human life deserves exceptional safety, while the permission for euthanasia praises the idea that it is better to be dead than sick or disabled. Overall, personal values determine the morality of euthanasia.
Secondly, in many...
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