
Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures

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Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures 1 puslapis
Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures 2 puslapis
Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures 3 puslapis
Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures 4 puslapis
Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures 5 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

Differences and similarities of colour meanings in the diverse cultures. Colours are far more than a combination of red and green or white and black. They actually are non-verbal communication as colours have symbolism and meanings that go beyond ink. It is very interesting to know how the eye and the mind perceive certain colours and the colour meanings we associate with each colour. Seeing that, there are done a lot of researches and scientific works as the concept of color can be approached from several disciplines: physiology, psychology, philosophy, and art: sometimes colours can create a physical reaction (red may raise blood pressure) and at other times it can reveal even a cultural reaction (in Western countries white is used for weddings, while there are Eastern cultures where white is the colour for mourning and funerals). Taking all this into the consideration comes out the idea that colours often have different meanings in various cultures and it is very important to understand those meanings in odder to avoid various possible misapprehensions.


Colours are far more than a combination of red and green or white and black. They actually are non-verbal communication as colours have symbolism and meanings that go beyond ink. It is very interesting to know how the eye and the mind perceive certain colours and the colour meanings we associate with each colour. Seeing that, there are done a lot of researches and scientific works as the concept of color can be approached from several disciplines: physiology, psychology, philosophy, and art: sometimes colours can create a physical reaction (red may raise blood pressure) and at other times it can reveal even a cultural reaction (in Western countries white is used for weddings, while there are Eastern cultures where white is the colour for mourning and funerals). Taking all this into the consideration comes out the idea that colours often have different meanings in various cultures and it is very important to understand those meanings in odder to avoid various possible misapprehensions. And I would like to illustrate 5 colours different and/or similar meanings in various cultures which I have decided to do in the way as follows: presenting the general meanings (which are similar for many countries) of colours mostly in Western countries and introducing as much of discrepancies caused by cultural differences of various other countries as possible.
Let’s begin with the black colour. Generally black colour nowadays is the symbol of authority and power. Moreover, it is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner than they actually are. This is also strongly related with cultural features of our world, where fashion and thinness of body is some kind of new religions. In addition to this, black implies a submission: priests wear black to signify a submission to God. On the other hand, black outfits can also...

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  • Anglų kalbos referatas
  • 5 psl., (1770 ž.)
  • Word failas 48 KB
  • Įkeltas: 2024 m.
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
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