ESSAY CHARACTERS IN THE STORY “THE WHITE STOCKING” BY D.H. LAWRENCE AND MOTIVES CAUSED A DRAMA IN WHISTON FAMILY Layout of an essay Introduction Elsie and her relationship with Ted Elsie and her relationship with Sam Jealousy and Violence in the family Conclusions A story called “The White Stocking” by D.H. Lawrence is analyzed in this essay. David Herbert Richards Lawrence was born in the mining town of Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, on 11 September 1885. He was the fourth of five children born to Arthur John and Lydia Lawrence. He worked as a pit foreman and an ex-school teacher. Ivan Phillips writes that “Lawrence in his self-satirising poem “Red-Herring” described himself as “a working man” and “a superior soul”. (Phillips) According Ivan Phillips “a social distinction between his parents was, to some degree, an illusion but it was testified throughout the unhappy marriage and established an antagonism.” (Phillips) The motioned fact left a crucial influence on shaping Lawrence’s distinctive imagination. Meanwhile, the relationship between his parents was in a state of ongoing and violent disintegration and the experienced trauma reflects in Lawrence’s writing. The objective of this essay is to discuss the characters and motives that caused a drama in the Whinston family while husband being in a black range of jealousy strikes his wife and to look deeper into relationship of three people. Technically speaking, the task is to compare a young woman’s named Elsie Whinston relationships with her husband Ted and her former employer Sam Adams and to find her position in the indirect competition of two men. In the beginning of the story reader meets a young married couple in the morning. Author plants a mood of intimacy that reader can feel between these two young people describing the ritual of lady’s dressing. The reader can understand here the couple has been living together not for so long and they are still interested in each other very much. Lawrence depicts the young lady as an attractive woman although he doesn’t look for more felicitous word to describe her and call her simply ‘thing’ -“she was a pretty little thing, with her fleecy, short black hair all tousled…” (D. H. Lawrence) In spite of this, she is attractive and especially for her husband, although she is not very immaculate “her slovenliness and untidiness did not trouble him.” (D. H. Lawrence) This statement shows that Elsie doesn’t have conventional role of women of that time and doesn’t pay much attention on the house-keeping or duties of paragon wife. Furthermore, instead of wearing an elegant dress “she wore an old sack-like dressing –jacket” which had a tattered sleeve but even this provoked her husband more than despised. Her youth and natural beauty gives her possibilities to be reckless in some situations and childish with her decisions. However these character features makes her very special for her husband and of course it makes him to be very cautious, as well. It is necessary to mention that the feeling of delight to each other was mutual for this couple. Author describes how Elsie gives a hug to her husband “she hung her arms round his neck …and clung to him.” (D. H. Lawrence) Elsie is in love with Ted, his physical appearance thrilled her especially his neck and the way he stood washing himself “he was such a man”. (D. H. Lawrence) She calls him Teddilinks it is a kind of a nickname, a special way that usually beloved call his or her sweethearts. It shows her particular feelings toward her young husband. She admires of his strength, author says that “he was so sure, so permanent; he had her so utterly in his power.” (D. H. Lawrence) The reader finds out that Elsie likes the supremacy that her husband has in their relationship “it gave her a delightful, mischievous sense of liberty.” (D. H. Lawrence) Elsie is rather naïve. In the beginning of the story the reader can see that she is sincerely happy with the gifts she receives from Sam. She doesn‘t think much of the person who sent pear earrings, she naturally enjoys as the women enjoys the new beautiful things. Let’s see Elsie alone in front of the mirror “she threaded them [pearl earrings] in her ears, she looked at herself, she posed and postured and smiled, and looked sad and tragic and winning and appealing, all in turn before the mirror“. She doesn‘t think that the gifts are not for free or just for her beauty. Of course she believes that they are. But Ted understands that they might be for sexual services that have already given or will be given. He evaluates this as male. Meanwhile, Elsie just anticipates that it is not all right to accept the gifts and she hides them from Ted. Although, her simplicity doesn‘t let her overcome her dismay and fight for her dignity and honour. In the second part of the story the reader meets the third character, Sam Adams. There were some indirect references to his person in the first part as he is the one who sends the beautiful pair of pearl-earrings that made Elsie so happy. Sam Adams is owner of a lace factory that Elsie and Ted used to work before their marriage. He being a bachelor had a nice presence and girls liked him and he was not indifferent to them, too. “His fondness for the girls, or the fondness of the girls for him, was notorious.” (D. H. Lawrence) Sam Adams’ appearance especially when he is dressed up makes a huge impression on Elsie “smart navy blue suit, fashionable boots, and manly hat, he was the irreproachable.” (D. H. Lawrence) However, Sam Adams has noticed Elsie and he likes her way of work and he had a male interest in her. There is emphasized in the story that “she had a great attraction for him”. Author is describing Elsie in the presence of Sam and writes “she SEEMED witty…”, perhaps here he shows his attitude toward her later actions. Sam and Elsie more in details are described in the Christmas party as ”every Christmas Sam Adams gave a party at his house” (D. H. Lawrence) She comes to the party together with Ted as he courting her that time. Her spirit is high, she is happy and Sam Adams can’t notice that. He takes a good care as a host can do for his guests. He openly shows his interest to this little lady while they are dancing “He only looked straight into her eyes with a curious, gleaming look that disturbed her fearfully and deliriously.” (D. H. Lawrence) Against her own will Elsie accepts his supremacy „he seemed to draw her close in to him by some male warmth of attraction, so that she became all soft and pliant to him, flowing to his form...“ (D. H. Lawrence) Author definitely shows to the reader and Elsie can feel it, but perhaps she can’t understand that Sam’s intention toward her is not respectful. Lawrence writes “it WAS so gratifying, irrespective of the man“. (D. H. Lawrence) After a pause in a dancing which Elsie uses to go and see Ted who is not dancing but playing cards Sam comes, too in order to look for her. When he comes into the room he lets to know his opinion about her to all who are in that room including her future husband Ted Whinston. His short remark is accompanied with a special „kind of intimate, animal call to her“ (D. H. Lawrence) All in all, here the reader can see that his supremacy over her is obvious. He is openly flirting with her. Later they have an intoxicant dance that completely infatuates Elsie, she even expects his kiss and wishes they were alone... Describing the dance author shows Sam‘s lust and his low –minded needs toward Elsie. However the young lady isn‘t sure what is going on „she was not aware of what she was doing; only a little grain of resistant trouble was in her“. (D. H. Lawrence) Author shows that Sam being mature male just wants to posses Elsie, but she is not experienced to know what has been done with her and feels intoxicated with the consideraltion that she needs so much. As she feels that she deserved such a special attitude from her boss. She unconsciously feels that it is not good. However Sam puts a spell on her and she can accept the reality and Ted with difficulty „she was in the spell with the other man, fused with him“. (D. H. Lawrence) Moreover, author shows that both men being next to Elsie compete „Adams watched Whiston almost cunningly, to find his advantage“. The reader can see author‘s amiability toward Ted as he doesn‘t obey his boss commands and doesn‘t stay detached. He guards Elsie as he, being a male, understands Sam‘s scheme better than Elsie does. There is one more interesting detail that author describes in the story and shows how absently Elsie can be when, instead of her pocket-handkerchief, she takes a white stocking out of the pocket which falls from her hand as she preparing herself for one more dance barely controlling herself. Adams picks the stocking and he feels his triumph, here the reader can feel that Adams mocks at naive Elsie. Whiston is mad, even more, he is in a range when he hears that Elsie doesn‘t intend to take a stocking back from Adams. However she really doesn‘t know how to handle such situation. She doesn‘t know how personal it can be, she has to protect her honour but she can‘t control herself as Sam’s spell is so strong. It is strange that she doesn‘t want to go home when Whinston prompts her to go. Perhaps unconsciously she feels that Ted being in range after seeing her with Sam can hurt her. She falls into hysteria and being in the street when Ted is kissing her wet, form tears, face asks him “be good to me
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