Lithuanian aviation started together with the World aviation. A lot of the World nations brought in their contribution to the history of space assimilation. Lithuanian names also stayed in history.
The first Lithuanian pilots, constructors and engineers grew up in the USA. At that moment, the Russian empire occupied our native land. People not only lost their aviation, but they also had no opportunities to learn the flight art in Lithuania. However, in the first decades of the twentieth century Vilnius and Kaunas people could see Russian pilots‘ flights. In the Lithuanian sky, planes multiplied in the years of the World War I. In those years, some Lithuanian officers succeeded in finishing aviation school.
On the 16th of February, 1918, when Lithuania proclaimed her independence, then came up the chance to create her own aviation. The purpose was safeguarding Lithuania‘s freedom, it was the case of making quickly the armed forces, including military aviation. On the 30th of January, 1919, there was organised an aviation‘s team in Lithuania‘s engineer battalion. On the 1st of March, the first airplane took off with Lithuanian marks. Between 1919-1920 years, military aviation was envolved Independence fights....
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