- On a hypersound from frequency more than 1 GHz.
Acoustic analyzer - set of the structures providing perception of the sound information to transform it to nervous impulses, its subsequent transfer and processing in the central nervous system. In an acoustic analyzer:
- the peripheral department is formed with the acoustical receptors which are being in cortic body of an internal ear;
- conducting department - an acoustical nerve;
- the central department - an acoustical zone of a temporal share of a bark of greater hemispheres.
Building acoustics - the scientific discipline studying:
- Questions of protection of premises, buildings and territories of the occupied places from noise architecturally: lay-out and building-acoustic methods; and also: Questions of researches and development of acoustic materials.
Applied acoustics
- area of acoustics: covering acoustic measurements, electroacoustics, architectural acoustics, etc.;
- studying noise and vibrations and developing ways of struggle against them.
Building-acoustic methods of building acoustics - methods of application of designs and the devices providing effective decrease of noise level from the technological, sanitary-engineering and engineering equipment, the automobiles, the mechanized tool and household aplliances. Noise protection - a complex technical, architectural-lay-out, the building-acoustic and other actions which are carried out for protection against noise and restriction of its level in premises, buildings and in territory of the occupied places according to requirements of sanitary norms. Acoustic materials - the building materials applied to protection against noise. Distinguish sound-proof and sound-proof acoustic materials. Acoustic materials are made in the form of is matte, plates, blocks, cotton wool or loose substances. Sound insulation of protecting designs of buildings - set of actions on decrease in the noise level getting into premises from the outside. The quantitative measure of sound insulation of protecting designs (soundproofing ability) is expressed in decibels.
Distinguish sound insulation from air and shock sounds.
Sound-proof designs - the devices intended...
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