8 1.3 Modern marketing concepts................................................................................................9
9 1.3.1 Viral marketing................................................................................................................9
10 1.4 Marketing process model..................................................................................................10
2. MODELS OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT MEANS OF THE ANALYZED COMPANIES...............................................................................................................................11
11 2.1 Introduction of „Group Four Securicor“...........................................................................11
12 2.2 Marketing management of the „G4S Lietuva“.....………………………………… ........12
13 2.3 Introduction and Marketing management of the „Likurgas“............................................13
3. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANIES..........................................................15
CONCLUSION…………….. ……………………………………………………………….18
Marketing practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Marketing is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts.
I’ve chosen to analyze the model of marketing management means for security services promotion for CJSC “G4S Lietuva” and CJSC “Likurgas” for numerous reasons. These are quite successful companies, implementing very different marketing and marketing management means to achieve rather similar results in some areas they both work in.
In these times of recession, with criminal elements lurking almost in every dark alley of the neighbourhood, and even more severe and sophisticated threats in the world of globalisation through the mass media and the World Wide Web, I feel that the analysis of the counter-measure market, available to every natural person as well as legal body is a must.
The aim of this paper is to cover the models of marketing means of both CJSC “G4S Lietuva” and CJSC “Likurgas”, and to compare them in a comparative analysis. The period covered in this paper is mainly from 2004 onwards. To avoid confusion, it should be noted, that “G4S Lietuva” and “Falck Security” is actually the same company after name transition.
1. Marketing management and its process
Marketing management is a business discipline focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm's...
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