
Lithuania climate

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Lithuania climate 7 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

We know how changeable is the weather in our latitude zone. Even two very similar days differ by their temperature, direction of wind, amount of cloudiness or other meteorological values and phenomena. Often we can observe sleet changing to fair weather and warmth changing to cold spell. Such change we can observe to happen not only from one day to another, but also when comparing particular seasons of the year. In spite of great variability of weather, we can nonetheless observe certain regularities attributable to a particular region. These permanent regularities typical for some certain locality are called climate. Climate means Sun rays inclination in regard to Earth surface. Its notion is far more complex that that of weather. Weather is immediately visible and tangible; it can be outright expressed by words, or meteorological observational data. Weather is changing every day, sometimes several times per day, also seasons are changing, but climate remains relatively steady during a long time (centuries and millennia) over the whole terrestrial globe as well as at any given locality.
World Climate Research Programme (adopted by the World Meteorological Organization in 1979) describes the climate as a totality of statistical properties of a very complex system including not only the atmosphere but also the oceans, cryosphere (ice-covered areas), land, surface water and groundwater, plants and animal life as well as solar energy that makes the whole system moving and changing. Climate formation and change is going on for entire millennia. Heritage of the past can be found in bowels of Earth when researching natural minerals, in archaic annals, and in meteorological observations.
In Lithuania, meteorological observations originated at the observatory of Vilnius University by the end of 18th century. First descriptions of Lithuania’s climate are found in proceedings of Russian and Polish scientists of 19th century. Later on,...

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✅ Šaltiniai yra
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Word failas (.doc)
7 psl., (2558 ž.)
Darbo duomenys
  • Gamtinės geografijos referatas
  • 7 psl., (2558 ž.)
  • Word failas 46 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
  • ✅ Yra šaltiniai Atsisiųsti šį referatą
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