
If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree

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If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree 1 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

If you dont like where you are, move. You are not a tree

People have a distinct ability to change their physical and mental being, yet some choose denial and stand in their problems like old oak trees.

Everyone has at least once in their lifetime found themselves in a place, where theyre not entirely pleased with the point in life they are right now, a crossroad of life, where you have two options: stay in the position you are right now, or move towards your own personal growth. Change may be interpreted as leaving the comfort zone, and trying new things, and may extend to moving somewhere else youve never even been before. No matter the circuimstances people are consistenly changing, for example developing new skills, broadening their horizons with new experiences, however their surroundings dont tend to change that much, individuals usually stay in one place, and choose the quote on quote „safest“ option, nothwithstanding it may become one of the most emotionally taxing decisions in their life. An American journalist Sydney Harris perfectly reflected that with a quote „our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better“. Every person has dreams, however most of us think that they are overcomplicated, even though theyre alot simpler than we think. There always comes a point when you might think “the way i spend my day, isnt enough, something has to change“. There comes a point we have to decide weather we want to continue the cycle of not doing enough, and then regretting it, or taking the consistent action. Typically people are not afraid of gradual, unnoticable change, however they are commonly afraid of sudden change, such as unforeseen situations or outcomes happening, which might change feel as a threat.The perception of change varies from one person to another - One individual might find change as an opportunity in surprise, these people might often switch their surroundings, move places, change jobs, try out new hobbies, and are ready to keep themselves on their toes, just to become the best version of themselves they can be, it may even appear that they are chasing turmoil, when on the other hand another individual might percieve often changes as instability, usually they tend to hold onto habits and routines, just because unfamiliarity scares them. Even though these examples may be the opposite mindsets, change is inevitable. The best way to start changing for your own good, is to start searching for aspects in your life that you may not fulfilled with. No person ever should be fully happy in the place they are right now, because every person has problems in for example work, or family life, and with good diagnosis proceeds good treatment. Even people who are prone to overstay in one mental place in life, should atleast try to change old embedded mental models. Its never easy, and most definitely takes time, but has to be done for ones good. One of the best motivations to do it, is to find likeminded people who are prone to improve and change in the same aspect and way you want to. That assures you the company and the motivation to move forward. The saying „ show me your friends and i will tell you who you are” portrays it perfectly in the topic of change. Surround yourself with people, you aspire to be.

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