Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Nowadays there are many opportunities to travel and live in various countries. While some believe that living in foreign country causes lots of problems, I side with those who think living in another country is not a serious problem.
Firstly, while I concede that it is hard to order or purchase something in physical stores, many places nowadays have translations in multiple languages, for instance, restaurant menus usually have an English version, which is an universal language. Moreover, a lot of products, even food, people can buy online. The internet stores provide translations, usually in English, therefore it is accessible to everyone, no matter the language they know. Additionally, online websites usually have more to offer for customers, so buying things online can have many benefits.
Secondly, many people tend to believe that living in a foreign country creates a language barrier between you and people around, however with today’s technology there are various ways to overcome this problem. For example, there are a lot of translators that easily and accurately translate sentences, more advanced translators can translate what person is saying directly, making communication way easier than it was before. This solution always helps in in situations when you need a translation in little time, but if a person wants to learn language of country they live in, there are a lot of online dictionaries that are easily accessible. Furthermore, there are apps created to learn new language easier, therefore person memorizes things faster and it is not as boring to learn new language as it is with dictionaries.
In conclusion, not only there are many opportunities to learn a new language, but many institutions also now have available translation to make purchasing things easier. Therefore, I strongly believe that living in a foreign country does not cause any serious problems.
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Mūsų svetainėje pateikiama dešimtys tūkstančių skirtingų rašto darbų, kuriuos įkėlė daugybė moksleivių ir studentų su skirtingais gabumais. Būtent šis rašto darbas yra patikrintas specialistų ir rekomenduojamas kitų klientų, kurie po atsisiuntimo įvertino šį mokslo darbą teigiamai. Todėl galite būti tikri, kad šis pasirinkimas geriausias!
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