
Financial analysis: Barclays Plc

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Financial analysis: Barclays Plc 1 puslapis
Financial analysis: Barclays Plc 2 puslapis
Financial analysis: Barclays Plc 3 puslapis
Financial analysis: Barclays Plc 4 puslapis
Financial analysis: Barclays Plc 5 puslapis
Financial analysis: Barclays Plc 6 puslapis
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Aim of this essay is to analyze financial institution activity and strategy for the last 5 years. By indicating the relevant points and supporting the conclusions with arguments the essay should reflect authors own thinking, research and critical understanding of financial data and market. By understanding the financial data and institution strategy the essay should reflect the institution financial performance for the last 5 years.
From the suggested cases for study, I decided to analyze Barclays Plc financial performance.
The following research is revealing the main points of the financial analysis of the Barclays Plc. Barclays Plc is one of the leading banks in the UK and successful financial institution in the international banking market.
Barclays is growing rapidly in the international financial market. The bank expanded to south Europe, Middle East and Africa. The half of the net profit operations bank generates outside United Kingdom. At the present time the British banking sector is overloaded, because of high level completion, so the expansion to the international markets is necessary and reasonable for the Barclays Plc. In the UK the main revenue of consumer banking is credit portfolio. Usually it is created by long term mortgages. However there is an opportunity for the increase of mortgages and personal debt in the UK. (Approximately 8% per annum) Therefore the high level of personal debts and low levels of growth in income in the UK made the emerging international markets more attractive for UK financial institutions.
Barclays Plc is 18th largest company in the world (Forbes Global 2000) (2007 list)
Business areas:
The operating units of Barclays are formed in two groups, international banking and investment banking (IB&IM) and global retail and commercial banking. (GRCB) There are three operating units in (IB&IM): Barclay’s capital, Barclay’s global investment and Barclay’s wealth management. GRCB overseas multiple operating units. It is...

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6 psl., (1809 ž.)
Darbo duomenys
  • Finansų analizė
  • 6 psl., (1809 ž.)
  • Word failas 69 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
  • ✅ Yra šaltiniai Atsisiųsti šią analizę
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