
Enterpreneur - the case study

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Enterpreneur - the case study 1 puslapis
Enterpreneur - the case study 2 puslapis
Enterpreneur - the case study 3 puslapis
Enterpreneur - the case study 4 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

It was really hard to find an entrepreneur who would agree to help me in making a case study of entrepreneur, answering the questions and being so friendly and helpful.
But I was very lucky because I met Darren Souhan. He agreed to be the one I need.
One day we just sat down together and had a very interesting and useful talk.
Darren, as I have already mentioned, was very helpful. He also tried to answer the questions as precisely as it was possible.
Personality and family
Darren was born in 1973 in Trim. He is one of three children in their family and he is also the eldest of them. Their all family live in Trim.
He has a younger sister and a brother who are working in their parents business.
His parents came from the background of working class.
His mother worked in petrol station and father had a small groceries shop. Later on father decided to sell the shop and open a family business with his wife. They started business with opening their own petrol station.
At that time Darren was in the last year at school doing his leaving certificate.
After leaving the school Darren decided to wait for a while and to give a hand to his parents in daily work in petrol station.
Darren said that this was huge experience, he learned a lot of how to run the daily work such as ordering, communicating with suppliers and customers.
Today Darren is an independent entrepreneur, he owns a garage and a spares shop.
His parents are still running a business they’ve started years ago. They involved their other two children into it.
Darren is married. He doesn’t have any children.
His wife has her own business – a small café in town they live.
Darren mentioned that they often talk about their businesses and give each other many useful...

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4 psl., (1146 ž.)
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  • Vadybos tyrimas
  • 4 psl., (1146 ž.)
  • Word failas 36 KB
  • Lygis: Universitetinis
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