The club “Trance Dance” will be registered as an ordinary partnership with two shareholders where profits and losses will be divided proportionally according to the partnership agreement. Also we are hoping in the future to look for a sleeping partner, who takes no active part in the running of the business, who is able to invest some capital to our business.
In fact we are going to start this business well qualified. We had visited lots of clubs in all over the world. We shared experience with clubs managers. The most impressively club was in West India “Co – co banga”, the DJ choose here unreal type of music. The most popular music and dance here was rock’n’roll. The clubs interior was also done interesting.
Of course, at first we was working as barman’s in many clubs, the last club was “Oruva” this club manager was good friend for us, so we traveled with him to various clubs. So now we have lots of plans how to set up our club expressfuly and also comfortable, for all people.
Also our personnel are very highly trained too. Personnel manager newly came from Milan, there was teaching how to be a good manager, club organization and so on. Bar manager is from Lithuania and also he has 10 year experience. Bar manager asked Dick Melson, from England to come as a barman, his shakes are the most delicious, also you can taste various meals and of course a bear. Waiter or waitress are all with high experience.
We think you all understood that it would be a night club and everyone would be welcome to...
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