Angliški išsireiškimai:
Some examples:
Hold On - palaukti;
Find Out - sužinoti;
By chance - atsitiktinai;
Yra pavyzdyniai sakiniai, pvz.:
By a happy chance a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
The flight was delayed. The plane took off two hours later than scheduled.
The work on the house is coming along very well.
Jill says her marketing report is coming along nicely.
Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.
They managed to hold on until help arrived.
Set off - iškeliauti
It’s a long way to Bristol, so we ought to set off as early as possible.
We did not set off until seven o’clock, so we walked as fast as we could get there on time.
Wake up - pabusti
What time did she wake up?
He woke up and found himself in hospital.
Find out - sužinoti
Can you find out what time the train leaves?
Operate on somebody - operuoti ką nors
The doctors decided to operate on her immediately.
He is a surgeon, but he operates only on children.
Be on - vykti
The film was already on when we arrived.
Is the match on at 3 o’clock?
Put off - atidėti ( kitam kartui )
We have to put off this afternoon meeting.
She always puts off going to the dentist.
Put away - padėti į vietą (pinigus į banką)
Children put your toys away.
He put away a few thousand for his retirement.
Be good at - gerai mokėti, žinoti
Jim is good at math.
Tom is very good at basketball.
By chance - atsitiktinai
By a happy chance a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
Would you by chance have change for 50 pounds.
On purpose - tyčia
She seems to do these things on purpose.
Did he break it accidently? No, on purpose.
Decide on - išsirinkti, apsistoti prie
With so many choises it’s hard to decide on ones.
After seeing all the candidates we’ve decided on chosen.
Worry about - rūpintis, nerimauti dėl
Don’t worry about me.
At high speed - dideliu greičiu
He drove his car at high speed.
They moved at the speed of 50 kilometres an hour.
Complain about - skųstis dėl
She is always complaining about...
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