Oscar Wilde - Author Born in Ireland; lived in England and abroad, he attended Trinity College in Ireland and Oxford University in England. After writing in different forms, he became one of London's most popular playwrights. Today he is remembered for his epigrams, his only novel (The Picture of Dorian Gray), his plays, his imprisonment and early death. Oscar Wilde with other writers, rebelled against the moral, religious culture of Victorian England. He was known to be wild, witty. Although homosexual, married and had children, and because being homosexual was illegal, he served time in prison for it.
The Importance of Being Earnest is an enlightening example of comedy of manners as it makes fun of the behavior of Victorian aristocracy which attaches great value to hypocrisy and money interest. The upper class society judges things by appearance and the present play makes us laugh at those values by turning them upside-down through a language which is satirical, funny and witty. Different characters in the play demonstrate those values and prepare us into the upper-class society of the Victorian period. The play centers on the questions of identity, love, marriage and money.
The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde’s last and most famous play, debuted in London on February 14, 1895. Wilde’s fans wildly anticipated this new play. To protect his work-in-progress, Wilde's company gave it the working title Lady Lancing, who is mentioned once in Act III of the play.
The Importance of Being Earnest is funny all the time. There is nothing earnest about this play, at least on the surface. It’s a satire of the Victorian era, when behavior ruled everything from communication to sexuality. The most important rules applied to marriage – always a popular topic in Victorian plays, and one that interested Wilde, who was married to a...
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