The importance of the family in pre-school age
The family unit holds special importance during a child's pre-school age, has a huge impact on their emotional, cognitive, and social development. At this formative stage, children are often very fond of their family members, particularly their parents or primary caregivers, whom they are deeply in love with. This affection creates a sense of security, providing a nurturing environment for a child's growth.
The family serves as an influential role model for children during their preschool years. They admire and are impressed by the behaviors and interactions they witness within their familial environment. This setting is intriguing for them as they learn essential social cues, behavioral norms and basic values from their family members.
But not all families experience is positive. Some children might be badly treated or neglected, causing them to keep their distance and feel a bit uneasy or even terrified in the family setting. In such cases, they may develop feelings of indifference or wariness towards familial interactions. In extreme situations, they might despairs of their family situation, harboring contempt or loathing for some family members.
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