There are two answers to the question, why study organizations? The first answer is obvious: Organizations are a dominant component of contemporary society. In fact, we have become a "society of organizations" (Perrow, 1991). They surround us. We are born in them and usually die in them. Our life space in between is filled with them. They are just about impossible to escape. Organizations are as inevitable as death and taxes. They have "absorbed society" (Perrow, 1991:726).
A simple exercise will illustrate the pervasiveness of organizations in our lives. Think of all the activities that we engage in during a day. Which, if any, are not influenced by an organization in one way or another? If you are reading this book by yourself, it may seem to be an individual matter; however, the book was prepared and published by an organization — Prentice-Hall, Inc. — and you are reading probably because of some kind of organizational demand from your college or university professor. I wrote the book in an organizational context — the University at Albany. Our tastes in food and drink (and the amounts we consume) are shaped by marketing organizations. The food and drinks themselves are processed and distributed by organizations. The products we come into contact with, such as automobiles and desks, are made in organizational settings. The services we rely upon, such as police, banking, and insurance, are clearly organizational. We work in organizations. The world of ecommerce consists of organizations. Even our leisure activities typically take place in some sort of organizational setting. My favorite leisure activity is alpine skiing. I cannot imagine how I could pursue this sport without a "ski area," which, after all, is just another organization.
The great social transformations in history have been essentially organizationally based. The rise of the Roman Empire,...
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