

9.6   (2 atsiliepimai)
Renaissance 1 puslapis
Renaissance 2 puslapis
Renaissance 3 puslapis
Renaissance 4 puslapis
Renaissance 5 puslapis
Renaissance 6 puslapis
Renaissance 7 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

A radical break with medieval methods of representing the visible world occurred in Italy during the second half of the 13th cent. The sculptor Nicola Pisano evoked an interest in the forms of classical antiquity. In painting Giottoled the way in giving the human figure a greater sense of physical presence. He also worked toward a more realistic depiction of space, and his efforts were expanded during the 14th cent. in Siena by the Lorenzetti brothers. However, after the Black Death of 1348 came a marked decline in artistic activity as many artists and patrons died.
Florence became the great center of quattrocento (15th-century) art and art theory. The artist began to emerge from the role of artisan to participate in the active current of intellectual pursuits. Together with early humanists (seeHumanism), artists augmented their veneration of the purely celestial realm with an appreciation of all aspects of physical nature. They shared a growing esteem for the individual and a vital enthusiasm for classical antiquity. The architects Bruneleschmi and Alberti and the sculptor Donattelo were among the first to visit Rome in order to study the ruins of antiquity and to incorporate many of the ancient principles into their work.
At the same time artists were intensely preoccupied with problems of representing the dimensions of nature on a flat surface. With Masaccio they pioneered in developing a mathematically based illusion of space—the system of Perspective Masaccio and Uccelloworked out a geometrical system, whereas Fra Angellico and Fra Filippo Lippi concentrated on a unifying color scheme. While the Florentines inclined toward an abstract simplicity of form, they never lost awareness of the visible world, particularly in their portrayal of the human figure. Antonio Pollaiuolo Castagno, and above all Leonardo da Vinci were dedicated to the study of anatomy.
During the 15th cent. artists came...

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