‘Loving Vincent’ is a 2017 animation drama film. The film was written and produced by a U.K - Polish couple Hugh Welchman and Dorota Kobiela. The film has won awards such as Best Animated Feature Film, Best Foreign Language Film and The Audience Award.
The story unfolds at the end of the 19th century in France when young Armand Roulin is tasked by his postmaster father to deliver a final letter to now-dead famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh’s brother Theo. Here the main narrator, Armand, starts his detective journey of finding out why and how the painter died.
‘Loving Vincent’ is the first-ever fully hand-painted feature film. It took 6 years and 125 oil painters to complete this unique piece of film work. First, there was a live-action film with real-life actors. The main role of Armand Roulin was...
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