• Nokia, Canon, Visa, Nivea, Colgate, Pampers.
• Christian Dior, Chanel or Escada.
• Italian, French, Japanese, Lithuanian, or even Russian food.
• Latin dance pub, polka night or maybe temperamental Tango.
Just stretch your hand and take what you want. You don’t have to go to France to taste world wide known, delicious French food. You don’t have to go to Latin America to learn how to dance Latin dances or you can easily refresh yourself with a glass of Sangria in a cute Spanish bar in Brussels. People are moving and promoting their cultures all round the world. Different cultures are mixing and become one big global culture. As a consequence, new term – “global village” has emerged in our dictionaries. The topic of globalization has become of great importance in the latest year. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the explanation of recent political, technological, educational, social, and economical changes in our society and how these changes are seen through the eyes of young European.
Globalization is the term that describes the currently going global integration phenomenon. It has a different meaning for different people. Many people have a very narrow understanding that focuses primarily on financial integration, meaning the free movement of products, services all around the world. Other people, relates globalization with liberalization (trade, cross-boarder human flow). Finally, some people believe that globalization is a synonym to westernization.
However, Globalization is not just about the deepening of financial markets, but includes also a whole range of political, social, economic, and cultural phenomenon. These types of activities in different parts of the world combined have significant consequences for individuals, communities, enterprises and political structures in distant part of the world. It is facilitated by a variety of linkages and interconnections that are represented by institutions which links globalize social relations.
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