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Ecology questions and answers

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Ecology questions and answers 1 puslapis
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Ecology questions and answers 5 puslapis
Ecology questions and answers 6 puslapis
Ecology questions and answers 7 puslapis
Ecology questions and answers 8 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

• The hole in the ozone layer. Ozone is a bluish, very reactive gas, which is shielding and protecting life on Earth from the harmful UV light coming from the sun. For millions of years the amount of ozone has been stable in a natural cycle. Now ozone layer is getting thinner, especially over Antarctica and North Pole, where a seasonal ozone layer "hole" appears.
Causes: man-made chemicals used in refrigerators, agriculture and for fire fighting. They include many gases containing chlorine and bromine.
Consequences: the reduction of ozone layer causes an increase of UV radiation at earth level. An excess of UV rays has been linked to skin burns, skin cancer, damage to eyesight, and harm to certain crops and marine organisms.
Solution: People could use pump sprays rather than aerosols, correctly dispose fridges, develop new packaging materials.
• Global warming (greenhouse effect). It is the worldwide warming of the atmosphere.
Causes: excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused by pollution from factories, car exhaust fumes, deforestation and gas used in aerosols, refrigerators and foam packaging.
Consequences: The atmosphere will get warmer (heat waves, droughts, drier soils), average temperature will be 4° higher; there will be more storms, tornados, hurricanes. Sea levels will rise due to melting of ice caps and glaciers at the North and South Poles. Erosion will destroy sandy beaches. There will be serious floods of coastal areas and small islands, many people will lose their homes. When the climate changes, there will be less food in the world. A lot of areas will become too dry for farming and growing wheat, so it may lead to famine. The transmission of infectious diseases, including malaria and yellow fever, will increase.
Solution: The number of cars should be reduced. Catalytic converters can reduce emissions from petrol cars by 80%. Natural gases should replace fossil...

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  • Anglų kalbos namų darbas
  • 8 psl., (4879 ž.)
  • Word failas 76 KB
  • Lygis: Mokyklinis Atsisiųsti šį namų darbą
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