A video of government official talking about fraud in their political party, a Hollywood actress in a high-resolution pornography video, both might be possible, but whether it is a real video might be a mystery for a naked eye. Internet currently is full of deepfakes – artificially created images, video, or audio files, from dog filters to entire speeches. Most of these are harmless, though some leads to scandals, bankruptcies, or someone’s suicide. However even with such possibilities of misuse, deepfakes are worth further development and that is what this essay will prove through two research articles.
The first article by Kietzmann et al. (2020) shows that deepfakes are more and more accessible for everyone and its’ believability is so good that it is almost impossible to tell if the video is real or not. The authors states that deepfake’s threat is alarming, however it has already become part of our society’s entertainment, in both good ways, and not. Kietzman et al. (2020, p142) shows how specific types of deepfakes can be used, for example: audio and video deepfakes can be used to create translated advertisements instead of remaking it in another language. However currently, it is mostly used to create fake pornography videos with famous people or to make fake speeches like Jordan Peele’s fake Obama’s speech1 and sometimes, to just switch people’s faces for fun like video where Tom Cruise is...
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