“Calk”- riding club, for children, young people, adults and senyors.
History: Our club has been working since 1997. Calk settle near river and butiful forest, nearby Vilnius city. During this period we have renovated and build modern premises for the horses and riders. We have established outside riding field, two maneges, where riders can train in winter time.
Services: We are raising and preparing jumping and dressage horses. Also we have the riding school for children.
In our club you can learn riding, buy a horse, rent a box for him and leave for our attendance.
Contacts: Our trainers are professional in their job, they have passed the probations in Germany. Our riding club is cooperating and selling horses to the stables of neighbouring countries like Germany, Denmark, Sweden and others.We have set up the breeding of horses in our stable and now we are proud of young foals, which will be trained for the big sport.
Goods: Riding equipment, saddles, rein, brush, shampoo for horses, special shoes and outfit. You can buy everything you need for suitable price and good quality.
The main person in our company is Managing...
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