Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Everybody is beautiful in their own way. I don’t understand why is there so many standards, because everyone is beautiful. There are standards that women should be skinny, small, have clear skin, long hair, no body hair, but I think it’s just unfair, because if every woman on Earth became that standard, all women would look like sisters or twins or even look the same. And there are standard for men, too. The society thinks that men should be muscular, tall, have short hair. Men would look like brothers and also the same. And I don’t understand why create fashion in the first place and who created fashion. Well actually, I think I can kind of answer the first question. So, I think it’s created so the people who run their business can get a lot of money from it and basically steal people’s money. And business people say things like for example “Buy my products, it’s in fashion right now and with this specific product you will become beautiful” But what is beautiful? I can’t answer it what it is, but what I know because if fashion there are standards, that are impossible to achieve for everyone (without plastic surgery). And that’s why people get insecure. They think not having something or having something makes them ugly, when in reality it just makes you unique. And ugliness basically doesn’t exist. There is no such a thing as a ugly person, ugly pet, ugly style or ugly anything.
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