Fizikos referatas apie visatą ir mūsų supratimą apie ją. Anglų kalba.
merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day.
At the core of this report are provocative questions about the way we participate in an unfolding, dynamic reality. What the Bleep Do We Know!? proposes that there is no solid, static universe, and that reality is mutable - affected by our very perception of it. At the same time, the report acknowledges that reality is not entirely relative or simply created out of thin air. Mothers do give birth to real babies. Some things are more solid and reliable than others.
In fact, according to quantum physics, things are not even “things”, they are more like possibilities. According to physicist Amit Goswami, “Even the material world around us - the chairs, the tables, the rooms, the carpet, camera included - all of these are nothing but possible movements of consciousness.” What are we to make of this? “Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it,” notes quantum physics pioneer Niels Bohr. Before we can consider the implications of quantum mechanics, let’s make sure we understand the theory.
What is Quantum Mechanics? Quantum mechanics, the latest development in the scientific quest to understand the nature of physical reality, is a precise mathematical description of the behavior of fundamental particles. It has remained the preeminent scientific description of physical reality for 70 years. So far all of its experimental predictions have been confirmed to astounding degrees of accuracy. To appreciate why quantum mechanics continues to astound and confound scientists, it is necessary to understand a little about the historical development of physical theories.
Keeping in mind that this brief sketch oversimplifies a very long, rich history, we may consider that physics as a science began when Isaac Newton and others discovered that mathematics could accurately describe...
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