
What is the time for a person?

10   (3 atsiliepimai)
What is the time for a person? 1 puslapis
What is the time for a person? 2 puslapis
Aukščiau pateiktos peržiūros nuotraukos yra sumažintos kokybės. Norėdami matyti visą darbą, spustelkite peržiūrėti darbą.

“Let's catch an hour that comes; Let's not go when it leaves,” says Renaissance poet and playwright V. Shakespeare. Often, there is no time value, as it delays important plans and dreams, thinking that there is still time, and will be able to accomplish everything. Unfortunately, it is not often the case that we have not been able to implement what they wanted. It is worth getting to know what time is essential for a person.
On the one hand, it is important for a person to decide through it what to do and what to do so that time is not exhausted in vain, and one lives correctly. This statement is based on various ways - current issues, past historical events, its own experiences and, of course, literature. This is how Hamlet, the tragedy of Shakespeare, describes this, describing the complex personality of Hamlet. Hamlet is trying to understand this world and make important decisions. One of the important decisions, he made was an internal conflict when his father wants to take revenge on the killer when his father died. After finding that this is the new king, he intends to kill him. It was an important step; nests could have been restored to justice and defended his father's honour. Hamlet could do nothing, to give up, but after retreating from Elsinor and having time to reflect, he is determined to make a very important decision. Not everyone would hit the fight against deceit, lies, injustice - evil, but Hamlet was more important to prevent untruths, and deception than living comfortably, leaving time to pull the wounds of the spirit. Here is the morality of the hero and the strong spirit of the mind. Hamlet is also important to his father's honour, the desire for the good to defeat. In...

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