PARAGRAPH 2: Give reason to support your opinion.
PARAGRAPH 3: Give reason to support your opinion.
Support each argument with examples
PARAGRAPH 4: Restate your opinions using different words
PARAGRAPH 4: Give a balanced summary of the topic. Mention your opinion (I think… I believe... )
Peckish - hungry
Fatal - deadly
Stomach upset - a slight illness affecting your stomach and/or bowels characterized by nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea
Throat - gerklė
Flu - gripas
Cough - sudden, noisy expulsion of air from the lungs (kosulys)
Fever - elevated body temperature
Cold - peršalimas
Painkiller - a medicine used to relieve pain
Nausea - urge to vomit
Headache - pain in the head
Rash - bėrimas
Prescribe medicine - to give a piece of paper to a patient as to which medicine and what quantity the patient should take in order to be cured.
Diarrhoea - an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often
Bloated - (unpleasantly) swollen or puffed as with water or air
Cramps - painful muscle spasms
Migraine - severe, recurring, unilateral, vascular headache
Hives- red, itchy, possibly raised blotches on the skin that often result from allergic reactions
Have the measles - to suffer from an illness which includes a red rash and a high temperature
Graze a knee - nusibrozdinti kelią
To sprain an ankle - patempti kulkšnį
Razor-sharp knife - a very sharp cutting utensil
Ache - pain
Bruise - injure without breaking the skin; N.
Disease - liga
Illness - state of being sick
Injury - harm or damage
Lump - gumbas
Mental illness - a disorder that affects a person's thoughts, emotions,...
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