Populiariausios Vilniaus Vietos. Prezentacija anglų kalba. Most popular places in Vilnius, Vilnius cathedral, The panorama of Vilnius, Gediminas' Castle , St. Annes Church, Ausros Gate Dawn
, Vilnius University, TV tower.
Vilnius cathedral
• Vilnius is not only rich in its historic past but in old architectura structures, monuments and places too. The devastation suffered through the centuries still left much to be seen in this gracious and old-world city, particulary the narrow medieval streets of the Old Town and the beautiful parks and churches. Be sure to visit the Gothic brick Gediminas' Castle, built over the 14th and 16th centuries, destroyed in the 18th century and partly restored. The western Gediminas' Tower offers a spectular view of the entire city, as well as the remains of the upper castle.
Another view at Cathedral
• One of the most famous architectorial monuments in Vilnius is Vilnius Cathedral, standing at the foot of Gediminas' Hill. It was built in 1387, in the place where an old PERKUNAS (Thunder) Temple stood at that time. The first Cathedral church was wooden. After the fire in 1399, only a heap of ashes remained there. After some time with the help and financial support of the Great Duke Vytautas, it was rebuilt. Now it is a unique building of classicism.
The panorama of Vilnius
• Today, cultural life in the capital city of Lithuania is rich and varied. There are dozens of libraries, including the largest ones in the republic such as the National Library, the University Library, fourteen museums and their affiliations, five theatres, the State Philharmonic Society, the Film Studio and the Lithuanian Radio and Television.Vilnius is also the leading publishing centre in Lithuania with five publishing and two printing houses. Over one hundred periodical newspapers and magazines are published here. Last but not least, Vilnius is a major centre of education having six establishments of higher education, viz. the University, the Art Academy, the Musical Academy, the Pedagogical University and the Gediminas Technical University.
Gediminas' Castle
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