It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group.
A Leader is a person who can influence others and is an authority for others to follow. People often desire to become the leader of a group, but in my humble opinion, it is better to stay a member of a group than to lead it.
First of all, a perfect leader has to take a lot of responsibility for each decision and move while a simple member of a group does not have to do that. That means, if something is done wrong in a company, the director will be punished and everyone will be aware of his or her failure. Leaders must check and control everything and that is why the staff is lucky because they will never be guilty as much as a leader.
Moreover, leaders may feel more lonely than others. The cause of it is that a leader doesn't want to ask for help in order not to show weakness. In consequence, mental health can become an issue and he or...
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Mūsų svetainėje pateikiama dešimtys tūkstančių skirtingų rašto darbų, kuriuos įkėlė daugybė moksleivių ir studentų su skirtingais gabumais. Būtent šis rašto darbas yra patikrintas specialistų ir rekomenduojamas kitų klientų, kurie po atsisiuntimo įvertino šį mokslo darbą teigiamai. Todėl galite būti tikri, kad šis pasirinkimas geriausias!
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