Tyrimas anglų kalba "Growing up with compute".
Respondents gender.
Respondents age.
Start using computers.
Have computer at home.
Have internet connection at home.
Places where usually use the computer.
Reasons of computer usage.
Usage frequency.
Time people spend using computer.
Legal software.
Online shopping.
2006 09 29
Respondents gender 6
Respondents age 6
Start using computers 7
Have computer at home 7
Have internet connection at home 8
Places where usually use the computer 8
Reasons of computer usage 9
Usage frequency 9
Time people spend using computer 10
Legal software 10
Online shopping 11
Nowadays we can‘t imagine our life without a computer. Almost all of us have it at home and we are using it for communicating, working, studying, finding information and many other things.
Every day computers are becoming more powerful and every day they can do more and more jobs for us.
21st century is New Technology century. But our country Lithuania is far away from big and rich countries. The usage of computers just started to rise in Lithuania as at the same time other countries like USA, Japan is successfully using computer for many years.
The biggest part of old people in Lithuania do not know how to use computer, the biggest part of adult people can use computers but they can do just some special work they know, but the biggest part of young people well know how to use computer and can do a lot of things with it. In the other hand, they was growing up with computer.
In this survey I interviewed 10 people to know their purposes of computer usage. All of them was interviewed in the internet, so they all know who is computer and who is the internet.
The questionnaire was hosted online and people were interviewed online. Here is how the questionnaire looked like:
Growing up with computers
Your sex ?
Your age?
Up to 10 years old
From 11 to 15 years old
from 16 to 20 years old
from 20 to 25 years old
more than 26 years
When have you started using computer?
Younger than 10 years
From 11 to 15 years old
From 16 to 20 years old
Older than 21...
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