Well, I consider me a medium film fan, because I like to watch new films but with one condition – if I have enough time. Watching movies is splendid way to enjoy my leisure, because movies can make me self-confident, learn something or just make me laugh. However I wouldn’t kill myself if from now on there weren’t any cinemas and TV’s at all.
I am fond of various movies: from romantic comedies to action and horror films. Sometimes it depends on my mood, for example if I am serious that day and without big joy, I will watch psychological drama, or if I am very cheerful I will watch hilarious comedy. Plot, cast and director of movie are very important for me, because off-putting team consisted of spectacular director and cast plus engrossing plot can make movie a blockbuster and flamboyant masterpiece of movie industry. In fact, there are a lot of impressive films, but I don’t have my favorite one. What about actors? I fancy Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, Denzel Washington and so on. Especially I adore Robin Williams, he is spectacular actor, who can act in funny comedy and psychological drama movie also. Generally most movies end up with upbeat endings and I prefer them, but sometimes (it also depends on my mood), cliffhanger is best way to end up a film and to reminisce it for a long time.
On the whole, films can be watched on cinema or on TV. It seems to me that recently a new way to watch movies has been...
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