Electronics is a thing without which we would not survive a day. Electronic engineering appeared in the early 20th century. Previously electrical engineering only used passive devices such as mechanical switches, resistors, inductors and capacitors. Nowadays, electronic engineering is one of the most advanced and promising areas of engineering. But electronic engineering would not be so developed if it were not for its pioneers, inventors and their contribution to this field. So the purpose for this report is to present the most famous electrical engineers and review their contribution to electronic engineering.
The first one is an English scientist Michael Faraday otherwise called – the father of electricity. He was physicist and chemist who is best known for his discoveries of electromagnetic induction and of the laws of electrolysis. Faraday formulated that the electromotive force produced around a closed path is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through any surface bounded by that path. He discovered electromagnetic induction by experimenting with coils of wire and an iron ring. He found that when a current was passed through one coil, an instantaneous current was induced in the other coil. Thanks to electromagnetic induction, Faraday invented the first electric motor, which became his greatest achievement in the field of electricity. He set up his experiment using a small mercury bath. This device converted electrical energy into mechanical energy and was the first electric motor. He also discovered electrolysis, electromagnetic generator and other things that made a big leap in electricity. Without these inventions, electrical engineering would not have developed so quickly, so we can confidently say that Michael Faraday – father of electricity.
The second, one of the most productive inventors who has patented as many as 1093 inventions under his name, well known by everyone – Thomas Edison. One...
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