The person I like and admire very much is my friend Vaida. It is very difficult to say why, but I want to say a bit about her appearance and character. To the best of my knowledge, she has something that attracts everybody. I would like to start describing Vaida from her character, because I pay more attention to it, than to her appearance and the way she dresses.
The first thing, I have noticed about her, that she has hundreds of positive and no negative qualities. She is one of those girls, who are always good-tempered, because she has a kind smiley face and she is always friendly and pleased to see you. I can mention that she is generous by nature. That’s why she is always surrounded by friends. Another reason why she has lots of friends is that she could never let her friends down and tell a lie. So taking everything into account, she is frank, modest, just, flexible, patient, and always...
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